The health benefits of building with sustainability in mind

In our eyes, home really is where the heart is…Now more than ever our health and wellbeing is so important. Here at Oakwrights, we believe the relationship between your home and your health is significant and the way it makes you feel is truly unique.

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Building a home that will last a lifetime

Similarly to health and wellbeing, sustainability and being sustainable plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives. Designing a home, extension or outbuilding that’ll last a lifetime is just one of the reasons why our clients choose to build with oak. In this blog, we’ve combined these two key focuses to look at how designing a sustainable building can benefit our health.

Oak garage from Oakwrights

Choosing construction materials

Indoor air quality contributes to happier and healthier living. So, if you are planning to build your dream home, outbuilding or extension, we recommend you take time to consider the type of construction materials you’ll use, as they can affect this quality.

Some materials are prone to producing moisture, which over time develops a build-up of mildew and mould, while others might be treated with chemicals: both of which can have negative implications on our health.

Our frames are constructed using green oak; an eco-friendly material which we responsibly source from well-managed forests. When encased by our award-winning WrightWall Natural and WrightRoof Natural closed panel system, the walls in your oak frame home or outbuilding are able to breathe; avoiding any unnecessary moisture to form. The insulation used within this encapsulation system is made from recycled newspaper and contains cellulose which has natural, thermal properties. So, you can be safe in the knowledge you’ve created a healthy home environment that’s airtight and sustainable.

What’s more, if you have particular allergies or asthma, the mechanical ventilation and heat recovery unit (MVHR) that’ll be installed to work with your Natural closed panel system in your home, will provide you with a continual supply of fresh, purified air all year round. Click here for further information.

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Maximising natural light

Whether you envisage building a country-style cottage, a room above garage or a garden room, our team of in-house Architectural Designers and Regional Design Consultants can work with you to create unique spaces where you can relax and feel quite simply, at home.

Before embarking on your project we recommend you consider the orientation of your future build in relation to your plot, to harness as much natural sunlight as possible.

For example, incorporating vaulted glazing and joinery finishes, such as windows, into the design of your dream oak frame home will create a bright and airy environment, while supporting the production of Vitamin D which has many health and wellbeing benefits. Additionally, paying careful attention to efficient and effective lighting can also help to achieve this.

Face glazing is a system we offer with all our oak frame homes and extensions, which involves securing double glazed units to your timber frame to create a sustainable and airtight structure. What’s more, face glazing enables you to make the most of the beautiful views that surround your home, guaranteeing to always bring a smile to your face whatever the weather!

To discuss plans for your future oak frame build, call 01432 353 353 or book an appointment with a member of our team here.

Contact us

Want to discuss plans for your own oak frame project, organise a visit to our workshops, book a stay in our show home or just gain some advice? Please get in touch.

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