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The award for best custom build site goes to… Webbs Meadow

The award for best custom build site goes to… Webbs Meadow

Triple award-winning Webbs Medow offered thirteen families a chance to build their dream oak frame home. As those first to build began to welcome those just starting, experiences were shared, and friendships made. Find out more about their journeys here.

Project Details

  • Webbs Meadows
  • 13 homes
  • Custom build

That was the promise we made in 2018 to those considering one of the 13 plots released as the first phase of the Webbs Meadow development in Herefordshire. All 13 plots have since become the unique oak frame homes of those who wanted to be part of the Webbs Meadow community of self-builders. Those self-builders are also an integral part of a development that won the Build It 2022 award for best custom build site.

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Support for those who choose custom build

If you’re a self-builder, custom build sites like Webbs Meadow offer you a simplified way of fulfilling your dreams. As well as being simpler, the custom build route is also more supportive. Our Webbs Meadow customers enjoyed as much support as they wanted from us. Once they were happy with the designs of their homes, they either self-managed their build or chose to go for our full turnkey service.

As Webbs Meadow grew, those who were first to build shared their experiences with their incoming neighbours to advise and support them with their own custom build homes. This helped Webbs Meadow become a friendly community of people who continue to look out for one another.

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Simon and Karen’s home – the couple moved to Webbs Meadow to be nearer their daughter in Gloucestershire

A customer’s perspective

Simon and Karen were the first to move onto the Webbs Meadow development:

“We met Oakwrights’ team at the Homebuilding & Renovating Show at the NEC and had looked into building an oak framed home,” Simon explains.

“The cottage proposed for our plot was attractive but wasn’t the style of home we envisaged. So, we worked with Oakwrights’ Architectural Team and finalised a design that was based around The Derndale from their Woodhouse range – it was contemporary, and its floor plan fitted our lifestyle. This new oak frame home design had a completely different shape to the original, orientated on the site differently and had a slightly smaller floor area.”

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Judy and Arnoud’s home – the couple gave a Facebook advert the thumbs up for convincing them to visit Webbs Meadow

Judy and Arnoud also took up our custom build offer:

“We absolutely love our home and really enjoy life here at Webbs Meadow. Our little community of self-builders are friendly and helpful. We have a garden club, we meet for coffee and enjoy watching our neighbours complete their projects. We have integrated into the local community and life is as busy as ever with family moving closer to us, too.”

There’s lots more to read about custom build homes on our website, including details of the plots available as phase two of Webbs Meadow.

Contact us

Want to discuss plans for your own oak frame project, organise a visit to our workshops, book a stay in our show home or just gain some advice? Please get in touch.

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